So, Jersey and I are not on the best of terms lately. You see, I've been travelling to the Atlantic City area a lot over the past few months (for work, not fun). When I go, I am always with at least my boss and one or two other people from the VA travelling in a government car. On a recent trip there a little over two weeks ago, this is what happened:

The first picture is the car that rear ended us while we were stopped at a red light. The other picture shows the $1900 worth of damage done to our government car. I know it doesn't look all that bad, but trust me it was more than a fender bender. The whole thing just sucked. We had left the hospital at 7am for a rainy day full of meetings in NJ. We were about 20 miles from home at around 4pm when bam! Some girl not paying attention runs into the back of us. Of course, I was sitting in the back on the side she hit which resulted in a very stiff/sore neck and shoulders for a few days. I also had the lovely experience of having to fill out workers comp forms in case my pain worsened.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, I was at work the next day!